The Inkstack "E''s
Foundation Cow - Evavanish U1 of Broxmouth
The last of the Inkstack Families is the line from Evavanish of Broxmouth, aka Evanish.
Similar to the Flhame line, Evanish's first female was to Royal Added Value, Inkstack Ebony A041. Ebony 041 was one of the top cows in the herd for many years before she went off. Pictured here with her 2010 daughter Ebony K388, by Elixir 100, was another typical Angus cow. She had good locomotion and always put style in her calves. She had a sting of females from 2007 until 2012, many of which went on to be top cows in the herd.

Probably the most successful cow in the herd (in terms of selling bulls to pedigree herds) was Inkstack Edwina F232, 041's granddaughter to Ranui Impact. She was a typical "New Zealand Angus", very deep bodied stylish cow. Her most notable successes were selling Inkstack Earlson to the Nightingale herd (2nd Inkstack bull to have semen available online), and first prize Inkstack Ely to the Idvies herd for 12,000 gns. at the Stirling Bull Sales. Unfortunately she injured herself before we could try flushing her, as with the track record she had she was definitely on the list! Pictured below with her bull calf, Earlson.

Another top daughter in the E line is Inkstack Red Erin H304. She is another no-nonsense, classic Angus cow who produces a consistently good calf every year. She is pictured below as a calf, as a heifer, as a 2y/o heifer just calved, and then as a 8 y/o cow looking as good as ever.

Next in the E line at Inkstack is Inkstack Ebony K388.

Possible Red Erins best calf to date Inkstack Erin M495. She is a well framed, stylish cow. She puts real shape in her calves, and has clicked well with current stock bull Prometheus. Her 1st calf to Prometheus won the Angus championship at the Caithness show this year, and this years calf is looking strong too (pictured below on left).

One of the most stylish heifers of 2016 was Inkstack Ebony R647. Pictured below as a 2 y/o heifer, she put a real shine on her calf which is oozing with style, from day one.